Smart Sports GearSSE-BTR1

How to wear

Choose the size of earbud that fits into your left/right ear each. If the earbuds come out easily, choose a size with a more snug fit to your ear.

When starting a training plan, attach the supplied adjustment covers for Heart rate sensor. If you do not attach an adjustment cover for Heart rate sensor, the heart rate measurement may be inaccurate. At the time of purchase, size M are attached. In order to measure a more stable heart rate, change the size as needed.

  1. Check which sides of the device are left () and right ().

  2. Hang the neckband over the top of your ears and behind your head.

  3. Place the headphone sections into your ears.
  4. Adjust the device so it feels comfortable.

When starting a training plan

Wear the device so that the heart rate measurement area is pressed firmly against the inside of your right ear.


  • If the device does not feel comfortable, replace the earbuds.
  • To use the device for swimming, change the earbuds to swimming earbuds.
  • The Bluetooth function, heart rate , barometer, GPS, and other measurement functions do not work properly in the water.


  • Fit your device earbuds into your ears before swimming, while the earbuds and your ears are still dry.
  • Make sure to fit your device earbuds into your ears firmly so that water does not get into your ears through a gap between your ears and the headphones.
  • Do not use strong force to deform or bend the neckband. If you bend the neckband at the same part repeatedly, it may break. If it breaks, a wire-like metal may project from the covering, and you could injure yourself. If the neckband breaks, stop using the device.