VAIO User Guide


Using Fingerprint Authentication
<Fingerprint sensor equipped models>

A fingerprint sensor on your VAIO computer provides you with secure, convenient functions.
You can use the following functions by registering your fingerprints in advance. [Details]

A substitute for password entry to sign in to Windows

Once you have registered your fingerprints for your user account, you can substitute fingerprint authentication for Windows password entry when signing in to Windows. [Details]

Website Log On for quick web site access

Once you have registered your user information (user accounts, passwords, etc.) for web sites in Website Log On, you can substitute fingerprint authentication for entering information required to access the password-protected web sites.
  • You may not be able to use the Website Log On feature depending on the web site you access.

Quick Launch function for quick app access

You can start/open your preferred app/web page that is assigned to your finger by swiping the finger across the fingerprint sensor.
To use this function, you need to assign an app/web page to your registered finger in advance.
  • For detailed information, refer to the help file included with TrueSuite.
    To open the help file, open the charms [Details], select the Search charm and Apps, and enter “AuthenTec TrueSuite” in the Search box. Select AuthenTec TrueSuite, (the help icon), and Get more help.