
About the Home Screen

App shortcuts, status bars, widgets, and more are displayed on the Home screen. The Home screen consists of five pages, and you can flick left/right to scroll the pages.

A: Quick search box/Quick launcher

  • Quick search box

    Tap the box to easily search with Google [Details].
  • Quick launcher

    Tap icons in the Quick launcher to start apps. Since the Quick launcher is displayed on every page of the Home screen, registering apps you often use gives you quick access to them.
  • Tap and hold icons to sort them in the Quick launcher or move them in and out of the Quick launcher.

B: Favorites/Apps & Widgets

  • Favorites

  • Apps & Widgets

    Tap this to display the app list and the widget list [Details].

C: Widget

You can choose your favorite widgets from the widget list and place them on the Home screen [Details].

D: Basic operation buttons

  • (Back): Tap this to return to the previous screen.

  • (Home): Tap this to display the Home screen.

  • (Recent Apps): Tap this to display the apps used recently [Details].

E: Small Apps

You can start an app also available as a Small Apps, even while another app is already in use. To start another app, tap to display the Small Apps launcher and select the desired app. To set a shortcut, tap on the Small Apps launcher and select an app.

F: Digital clock

Tap this to display the notification panel [Details].
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