
Video player

The Video player app allows you to play back video content stored on your tablet device or the home network. You can also send ([Throw]) video content to another DLNA certified device and play it back on that device. Scene searches can also be performed.
Detailed information of the current video content can also be displayed, and you can even delete the video content.
  1. Tap to start the Video player app.

  • If you cannot find the icon to start the app, look for it in the application launcher displayed by tapping [ Apps & Widgets] at the top right of the Home screen.

  • You can copy video files to your tablet device by methods such as the following:

  • Connect your tablet device to a computer via a Micro-USB cable to drag and drop video files.

  • Remove the microSD memory card from your tablet device before copying video files, and then reinsert the microSD memory card to the tablet after copying.

  • Purchase or rent the video files from Video Unlimited*1.

*1 Video Unlimited is a video service available on Sony Entertainment Network.

Playing back video content on your tablet device

  1. Tap folders or thumbnails to select the video content you want to play back.

Playback then starts, and the playback screen appears.
  • You can play back video content purchased on Video Unlimited*1.

  • Using the option menu on the playback screen, you can switch subtitles and sounds. You can also perform actions such as zooming in or out.

  • Tapping (fast-forward) will play back the video content at about 1.5 times faster. You can adjust the playback speed to 10 times, 30 times, or 100 times (max) faster by tapping it further.

  • If you remove the headphones during playback, playback is paused automatically to prevent sudden loud sound from being emitted from the tablet device.

*1 Video Unlimited is a video service available on Sony Entertainment Network.

Playing back video content on other devices by sending (Throwing) it from your tablet device

Using your tablet device, you can send video content to another DLNA certified device via the home network and play back the video content on that device [Details].
  • If you display another screen by means such as tapping , while you are controlling another device (playback device) using your tablet device, return to the control screen via the notification panel.

  • You cannot send to and play back on another device (playback device) video content purchased on Video Unlimited*1.

  • While you are sending content to another device, you can play back other content on your tablet device.

*1 Video Unlimited is a video service available on Sony Entertainment Network.

Displaying detailed information about video content

  1. On the playback screen, tap the option menu.

  1. Tap [Details].

Detailed information of the current video content is displayed.
  • On the video list screen, tap and hold the video content that you want to display information for, and then proceed to step 2.

  • When you tap the video title on the detailed information screen, you can search for information related to the currently playing video content.

Deleting video content

  1. On the playback screen, tap the option menu.

  1. Tap [Delete].

The video content is deleted.
  • On the video list screen, tap and hold the video content that you want to delete, and then proceed to step 2.

Searching scenes

You can search for scenes in the video content that is currently playing back.
  1. On the playback screen, tap .

The scene search screen is displayed.
  1. Flick the screen left/right to select the scene that you want to start, and then tap the scene.

Playback starts from the scene that you select.
  • When you tap the button at the center of the screen, you can change the length of scenes.

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