Enjoying a digest of your movies (Highlight Playback)

You can enjoy a digest of high definition image quality (HD) movies and photos, similar to a short movie.
  1. Press (View Images).

  1. Display the desired event at the center of the Event View, and select [Highlight].

A: Volume adjustment
B: Context
C: To stop
D: Previous
E: To pause
F: Next
  1. Select the desired operation when the highlight playback finishes.

A: The camcorder plays the Highlight Playback scenes again.
B: You can save the Highlight Playback scenes in standard definition image quality (STD) and share it (upload it to the web, etc.).
C: You can change the settings for Highlight Playback.

To change the settings for Highlight Playback

You can change the Highlight Playback settings by selecting [Highlight Setting] on the screen after Highlight Playback has finished.
You can also change the setting by selecting [Highlight Setting] while the camcorder is playing highlight scenes.
  • [Playback Range]: You can set the playback range (starting and ending date) of the Highlight Playback.

  • [Theme]: You can select a theme for Highlight Playback.

  • [Music]: You can select music.

  • [Audio mix]: The original sound is played back with the music.

  • [Length]: You can set the length of the Highlight Playback segment.

  • [Highlight Point]: You can set the points in a movie or photo that will be used in a Highlight Playback. Play the desired movie, and select . Or play the desired photo and select . appears on the movie or photo that is used in a Highlight Playback.
    To erase the points, select [Clear All Points].

  • Highlight Playback scenes will change each time you select a Highlight Playback.

  • The [Playback Range] setting is cleared when the Highlight Playback stops.

  • After the music file is transferred to the camcorder, if you cannot play the music, the music file may be damaged. Delete the music file by selecting [Setup] [Playback Settings] [Empty Music], then transfer the music file again. You can restore the music data recorded on your camcorder at the default using “Music Transfer.” For operating instructions, see “Music Transfer” help (HDR-CX760E/ CX760VE/ PJ710VE/ PJ720E/ PJ760E/ PJ760VE).

  • If the Highlight Playback function was started from the Map View, [Highlight Point] cannot be set. However, if the Highlight Playback function was started from the Event View screen and you set the [Highlight Point], the point can take effect on the Map View also (HDR-CX740VE/ CX760VE/ PJ710VE/ PJ740VE/ PJ760VE).

  • The audio used for the Highlight Playback will be converted to 2ch stereo.

  • When you connect the camcorder to an external device, such as a TV, and watch Highlight Playback, these images do not appear on the LCD screen of the camcorder.