Analyzing songs on your “WALKMAN”

If you transferred songs other than by using Media Go and want to listen to them using the “SensMe™ Channels,” analyze them on your Walkman.
  1. From the Home menu, select [SensMe™ Channels].

  1. Press the OPTION/PWR OFF button to bring up the option menu.

  1. Select [Updating Channels].

Your Walkman starts analyzing songs.

To stop analyzing

Press the BACK/HOME button to stop analyzing. All songs analyzed up to the point where you stopped analyzing will be playable by “SensMe™ Channels.”
  • Your Walkman analyzes all songs at once. You cannot analyze songs individually.

  • The results of the analysis may vary between your Walkman, the software, and other devices.

  • If the alarm goes off [Details] during the analysis, the analysis process will be stopped. Songs analyzed up to the point where the alarm went off will be playable by “SensMe™ Channels.”