Watching videos [Videos]

To play a video, select [Videos] on the Home menu.
  1. From the Home menu, select [Videos].

  1. Select the desired search method, select items until a video list appears, then select a video.

  • You can reduce power consumption for longer battery life by setting the [On-Hold Display] option to [No] [Details].

  • You can arrange the video list by transfer date or by video title [Details].

  • You can set JPEG files as thumbnails of video files. When you display the video list, you can see the thumbnails for the video files on your Walkman. Use a computer to create a thumbnail, observing the following rules:

  • The thumbnail image file must be in JPEG format.

  • The image dimension must be horizontal 160 × vertical 120 dots.

  • The file name must be the same as the video file, with extension “.jpg.”

  • The thumbnail and video file must be placed in the same folder of your Walkman.

  • The maximum video size playable on your Walkman is 720 × 480. For detailed specifications, see [Details].

  • Videos are played back one by one, not continuously.

  • The [Equalizer], [VPT (Surround)], [DSEE (Sound Enhance)], [Clear Stereo], or [Dynamic Normalizer] setting is not applied while playing a video.

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