
Bookmarking a page

You can bookmark a page and take a note so that you will remember what the bookmark is for.
  1. Tap the top right corner of the page.

  • To search, sort and view all annotations across all books and periodicals, use the [All Notes] application. See Details.

  • To search annotations for the currently open book/periodical, press the (Menu) button tap [Notes].

Adding text notes

  1. Tap and hold the bookmark.

  1. Tap [by Keyboard].

  1. Type the notes using the on-screen keyboard.

  1. Tap [Save].

The icon appears on the bookmark, indicating that a note is attached.

Adding handwritten notes

  1. Tap and hold the bookmark.

  1. Tap [by Drawing].

  1. Draw with the stylus or your finger on the drawing pad.

To erase, tap (Erase), and then tap the line(s) you want to erase.
  1. Tap [Save].

The icon appears on the bookmark, indicating that a note is attached.
Notes on handwriting
  • While writing, make sure that you are not touching another area on the touchscreen; this could affect the notes that you write with the stylus or your finger.

  • To ensure that your notes are correctly saved, do not handwrite notes too close to the edge of the touchscreen.

    If you experience difficulties when handwriting or drawing on the Reader:
  • avoid applying excessive pressure to the touchscreen.

  • try not to handwrite or draw too quickly.

  • this functionality is not designed for very detailed drawings or for writing small characters.

Editing notes

  1. Tap and hold on the bookmark.

The notepad or the drawing pad opens.
  1. Tap [Edit].

The on-screen keyboard or the drawing pad opens.
  1. Edit the note.

  1. Tap [Save].

The notepad or the drawing pad closes, returning to the viewer.

Removing a bookmark

  1. Tap the bookmark.

  • This will remove the bookmark and any note attached to it. To delete only a note, tap and hold the icon and tap [Delete] [Yes].

  • To delete all bookmarks in the current book/periodical, press the (Menu) button tap [Notes]. See Details.

  • To delete annotations across all books and periodicals, use the [All Notes] application. See Details.

Highlighting words on a page

You can highlight words and take notes.
  1. Tap and hold the first word and drag across to the last word of the section you would like to highlight.

The pop-up menu appears.
  1. Pop-up menu

  1. Tap [Highlight].

The selected words are now highlighted.
  • To search, sort and view all annotations across all books and periodicals, use the [All Notes] application. See Details.

  • To search annotations for the currently open book/periodical, press the (Menu) button tap [Notes]. See Details.

Adding text notes or handwritten notes to a highlight

  1. Tap and hold a highlighted word.

The pop-up menu appears.
  1. Select [Note].

  1. Select from [by Keyboard] and [by Drawing].

Create a note.
For a text note, see Details.
For a handwritten note, see Details.
  1. Tap [Save].

To cancel adding notes, tap [Cancel].
The icon appears at the beginning of the highlight, indicating that a note is attached.

Editing notes on a highlight

  1. Tap and hold at the beginning of the highlight.

The pop-up menu appears.
  1. Tap [Note] [Edit].

The on-screen keyboard or the drawing pad opens.
  1. Edit the note.

  1. Tap [Save].

The notepad or the drawing pad closes, returning to the viewer.

Removing highlights

  1. Tap and hold at the beginning of the highlight.

The pop-up menu appears.
  1. Tap [Remove Highlight].

  1. Tap [Yes] when prompted.

  • This will remove the highlight and any note attached to it. To delete only a note, tap and hold the icon, tap [Note] [Edit] [Delete] [Yes].

  • To delete all annotations in the current book/periodical, press the (Menu) button tap [Notes]. See Details.

  • To delete annotations across all books and periodicals, use the [All Notes] application. See Details.

Handwriting a note on a page

You can use the stylus or your finger and draw directly on a page.
  1. Press the (Menu) button.

  1. Tap [Handwriting] and use the stylus or your finger to draw a line.

  • While writing, make sure that you are not touching another area on the touchscreen; this could affect the notes that you write with the stylus or your finger.

  • To ensure that your notes are correctly saved, do not handwrite notes too close to the edge of the touchscreen.

  • If you experience difficulties when handwriting or drawing on the Reader:

  • avoid applying excessive pressure to the touchscreen.

  • try not to handwrite or draw too quickly.

  • this functionality is not designed for very detailed drawings or for writing small characters.

To delete a drawn line

Tap (Erase) and drag across the drawn line.
Press the (Back) button when you are done to continue reading.
  • To delete all annotations in the current book/periodical, press the (Menu) button tap [Notes]. See Details.

  • To delete annotations across all books and periodicals, use the [All Notes] application. See Details.

Hiding annotations

You can set the viewer to show or hide the annotations that you have made to the book. This is convenient for when a highlight overlaps with a link.
  1. Press the (Menu) button.

The option items appear.
  1. Tap [More].

  1. Tap [Settings].

  1. Tap [Show Notes].

  • Check the checkbox to show annotations.

  • Uncheck it to hide annotations.

  1. Press the (Back) button when done.

Synchronizing reading-related information

The [Page Sync] function synchronizes bookmarks, highlight and your current page across your compatible reading devices, like handhelds.
  • Available clients that can be synchronized with the Reader are Reader Store for Android, Reader for Tablet, and Reader for PC/MAC.

To turn on the [Page Sync] feature, confirm the following:
  • Log in to the Reader Store.

  • [Page Sync] in [Application Preferences] is set to [On]. See Details.

  • A wireless network is available. See Details.

  • This function is available only in countries with Sony Reader Store service. You can confirm availability by tapping [Reader Store] on the [Home] screen and accessing the Reader Store Web page.

To retrieve the latest reading-related information to your compatible reading device
While viewing a page, press the (Menu) button tap [Page Sync].
  • Compatible reading devices are updated with the latest bookmarks, typed notes and your current page when the Reader enters sleep mode.

  • Handwritten notes and text notes attached to bookmarks or highlights cannot be synchronized.

  • This function is available only with items purchased at Reader Store.

However, if information is synchronized to the Reader from a compatible device, existing handwritten notes and text notes in the Reader will not be overwritten.

Finding annotations within a book or periodical

You can search and view all annotations (bookmarks/highlights/handwritten notes) in the currently open book or periodical.
To search, sort and view all annotations across all books and periodicals, use the [All Notes] application. See Details.
  1. Press the (Menu) button tap [Notes].

The annotations in the book/periodical are listed.
Press the (Back) button to return to the book.
  1. Note icons

  1. Filter note type

  1. Search icon

  1. Headline (the highlighted text, the text note, the beginning text of the bookmarked page, or the beginning text of the page with the handwritten note)

  1. Page number of the note

Press the (Back) button to return to the book.
  1. Tap a note in the list.

The page containing the selected note is displayed.

Note icons

Bookmark only
Bookmark with text notes
Bookmark with handwritten notes
Handwritten note on a page
Highlight only
Highlight with text notes
Highlight with handwritten notes


  1. Tap (Filter) tap one of the annotation types.

Annotations of the type that you select are shown.

Searching for notes via keyword

You can perform a search for all or one of the specific note types.
The search target changes depending on the type of annotation that is being searched.

Item type
For [Bookmark] items
  • Bookmarks only: The first 100 characters of bookmarked pages are searched.

  • Bookmark text notes: Entire text notes are searched.

  • Bookmark handwritten notes: The first 100 characters of bookmarked pages are searched.

For [Handwriting] items
  • The first 100 characters of pages with handwriting on them are searched.

For [Highlight] items
  • Highlights only: The highlighted words are searched.

  • Highlight text notes: Entire text notes are searched.

  • Highlight handwritten notes: The highlighted words are searched.

  1. Tap (Search).

  1. Type a search keyword using the on-screen keyboard.

  1. Tap (Search) next to the search box.

The [Search Results] view is shown.
The view shows notes that satisfy the search criteria.
Press the (Back) button to return to the [Notes] list.
  • If you apply a filter before searching, the search will be performed only on the filtered items.

To delete annotations

  1. Press the (Menu) button tap [Delete Notes]. See Details.

To delete all annotations

  1. Press the (Menu) button tap [Delete Notes] press the (Menu) button tap [Select All] [Done] [Yes].

Using (Menu) Items

Press the (Menu) button from the [Notes]/[All Notes] list to select an option.

[Delete Notes]
Deletes one or more notes from the Reader. See Details.