Empty (HDR-CX540/CX610E/PJ540/PJ540E/PJ610E)
It is recommended that you perform [Empty] before disposing of or transferring this product to another party to prevent leakage of your personal information.
- Connect the AC Adaptor to this product.
- [Setup] - [
Media Settings] - [Format] - [Int. Memory] - [Empty].
- You cannot perform [Empty] unless you connect the AC Adaptor to the wall outlet (wall socket).
- To avoid the loss of important images, they should be saved on a computer or other devices before performing [Empty].
- Disconnect all cables except the AC Adaptor. Do not disconnect the AC Adaptor during the operation.
- If you stop performing [Empty] while [Executing...] appears, be sure to complete the operation by performing [Format] or [Empty] before you use this product next time.