IC RecorderICD-SX733/SX734/SX1000

Selecting the sound effect

You can set the effect you want for the playback in the menu.
  1. In the stop or playback mode, select MENU - the tab - the “Effect,” and then press .

  2. Press or to select effect you want for the playback, and then press .
  3. Press souni_stopSTOP to exit the menu mode.

Descriptions of menu items

You can select one of the menu items available.


Disables the effect function.

(Initial setting)

Pop ():

Stresses middle ranges, ideal for vocals.

Rock ():

Emphasizes high and low ranges for a powerful sound.

Jazz ():

Emphasizes high ranges for lively sound.

Bass1 ():

Emphasizes the bass sound.

Bass2 ():

Emphasizes the bass sound even more.

Custom ():

You can design your own custom sound level for 5 bands and for “CLEAR BASS.”


  • When playing back files using the built-in speaker, when the noise cut function is set to “Auto,” “Maximum,” or “Medium,” or when the “Transcription Playback Mode” is active, the effect function does not work.