How to Use the Timer

To set the ON Timer, [All Apps] - [Timer] - [Add Timer].
To set the Sleep Timer, [All Apps] - [Timer] - [Sleep Timer].

For more, read below...

If you set the ON Timer, the Internet TV can be used like an alarm clock. And if you set the Sleep Timer, it prevents you from forgetting to turn the power off.

To set the ON Timer

Press (HOME) and select [All Apps] - [Timer] - [Add Timer], then set the timer.

To modify the timer setting, select the timer you want to modify and change its settings.

To delete a timer, select [Delete this timer] in the Timer Setting menu.

To set the Sleep Timer

Press (HOME) and select [All Apps] - [Timer] - [Sleep Timer], then select the desired amount of time for the power to remain on before turning off automatically.


  • You can set the Timer from the Settings menu. Press Fn + 1 and select [TV settings] - [Timer].

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