Digital HD Video Camera RecorderHDR-AZ1/RM-LVR2V

Date & Time Setting

You can set the year/month/day and region.

  1. Press the MENU button to display the setting items. Then select (Date & time setting) in (Remote control settings)
  2. Select the desired date format and then press the REC/ENTER button of the remote control

    Y-M-D: Year-Month-Day

    M-D-Y: Month-Day-Year

    M(Eng)-D-Y: Month (in English)-Day-Year

    D-M-Y: Day-Month-Year

    GMT+0.0: Sets the region

    Regions are defined by the time difference from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

  3. Press the UP button or DOWN button of the remote control to set the desired date and then press the REC/ENTER button to set the date and time


  • To return to the setting item selection screen from the setting value selection screen, select .
  • To perform the setting item in the selection screen or the setting value, select .