Digital Media PlayerNW-A25/A25HN/A26HN/A27HN

Deleting videos

You can delete videos that have been transferred onto your Walkman.

  1. From the Home menu, select [Videos].
  2. Select the folder that contains the video you want to delete.
  3. In the video list screen, display the option menu and select [Select a Video to Delete].
    The delete video screen is displayed.
  4. Repeat the following steps to delete videos.
    1. Press the button () to select the video you want to delete and press the button () to confirm.
    2. Select [Yes].
  5. Press the button () when you have finished deleting.


  • You can also delete videos while viewing them. While the video you want to delete is displayed, display the option menu and select [Delete Video] - [Yes].