Personal Content Station (PCS)LLS-201

Updating the system software via the Internet (Android)

You can update the system software of PCS via the Internet. Before updating, set up a wireless LAN connection between PCS and your wireless LAN router to connect PCS to the Internet.

  1. In the List screen of PCS Manager, tap (*) - [Settings].

    * The [] icon is not displayed on the screen of some Android devices. If the [] icon is not displayed on your screen, press the main menu button located outside of the screen.

  2. Tap [Information].
  3. Tap [Update System Software].
  4. Tap [Network].

    PCS connects to Sony’s website via the Internet to check whether a new system software is available or not.

    If your system software is the latest version, [No new update software found.] will appear to indicate no update is necessary.

  5. If [A new system software update is available.] appears, tap [OK].
  6. PCS starts to download the latest system software. After download, the update process begins.

After the update process is complete, [Sign in after rebooting the system.] appears. Restart PCS.


  • Do not disconnect the power cord while updating.
  • If updating fails, the illumination LED starts blinking red or an error message is displayed on PCS Manager. In that case, turn off PCS and turn it on again.
  • This function cannot be used when you have signed in to PCS in "Read-Only Access" mode.