Smart Sports GearSSE-BTR1

Deleting music using Explorer

Use Explorer to delete music stored on your device.

  1. Make a USB connection between the device and your computer.
  2. Open the “B-TRAINER” folder using the procedure below that corresponds to your computer.
    • Windows 7 or earlier
      Select “Start” – “Computer” and open the “B-TRAINER” folder.
    • Windows 8
      Select “Start screen” – “Desktop” – “File Explorer” – “Computer” and open the “B-TRAINER” folder.
    • Windows 8.1
      Select “Desktop” – “File Explorer” – “This PC” and open the “B-TRAINER” folder.
  3. Open the “MUSIC” folder.
  4. Select the songs or folders, and delete.


  • Do not delete or rename the “MUSIC” folder.