
Using the DISCOVER button

You can use the DISCOVER button to search for content (such as TV programs and Internet content). The content that displays when pressing the DISCOVER button varies depending on your model/region/country.

  1. Press the DISCOVER button.
  2. Move the focus up or down to select the desired category.
  3. Move the focus left or right to select the desired item.
  4. Press the button to launch the selected item.

To change the settings of this function

  1. Press the DISCOVER button.
  2. Move the focus down to the [Settings] category.
  3. Select the desired item to change the settings.

Available options

[Show/Hide categories]
Select content categories to be shown in DISCOVER. You cannot hide [Settings].
You can hide [Top Picks] depending on your TV model.
[Reorder categories]
Select a content category to reorder.
[Add channels to Favorites]
Add your favorite channels to DISCOVER.
[Add genre categories]
Add genres to create your own custom content category.
[Add keyword categories]
Add keywords to create your own custom content category.
[Display size]
Select the display size of the menu.


  • Some options may not be available depending on your model/region/country.