Save/Load FTP Settings

You can save settings for the FTP transfer function to a memory card and load the saved settings to a camera. This function is useful when connecting multiple cameras of the same model to an FTP server.

  1. MENU(Network) → [Transfer/Remote][FTP Transfer Func.][Save/Load FTP Settings] → desired item.

Menu item details

Loads the settings for the FTP transfer function from a memory card to the camera.
Saves the current settings for the FTP transfer function to a memory card.
Deletes the settings for the FTP transfer function saved on a memory card.


  • All setting parameters under [FTP Transfer Func.] can be saved using the [Save/Load FTP Settings] function.


  • You can save up to 10 settings per memory card. If 10 setting files have been already saved, you cannot save new settings. Delete the existing settings using [Delete], or overwrite them.
  • Only Slot 1 is used for saving or loading data. You cannot change the saving/loading destination slot.
  • You cannot load settings from a camera of a different model.