Portable Wireless ServerWG-C20

Checking the status of this unit


To display the information screen of this unit, tap on the Home screen.


Tap on the Home screen, and check [PWS info].

  1. Name of PWS

    For details on changing the name of this unit, see Changing the device name of this unit.

  2. Battery level

    The remaining charge of the built-in battery of this unit is displayed.

  3. Free space on memory card

    The total capacity and used space of the SD card inserted in this unit are displayed.

  4. Free space on USB device

    The total capacity and used space of the USB device connected to this unit are displayed.

  5. Internet connection

    The Internet connection status of this unit is displayed.


  • On Android devices, you can check the information of this unit by tapping (*) - [PWS info] on the data list screen.

* The [] icon is not displayed on the screen of some Android devices. If the [] icon is not displayed on your screen, press the main menu button located outside of the screen.