Notice on License

This product contains software that Sony uses under a licensing agreement with the owner of its copyright. We are obligated to announce the contents of the agreement to customers under requirement by the owner of copyright for the software. For details on software licenses, select [Settings] [System] [Open Source Licenses].

Notice on GNU GPL/LGPL applied software

The software included in this product contains copyrighted software that is licensed under the GPLv2 and other licenses which may require access to source code. You may find a copy of the relevant source code as required under the GPLv2 (and other licenses) at
To download, please access the URL, then select the model name “XAV-AX8500”. You may obtain the source code as required by the GPLv2 on a physical medium from us for a period of three years after our last shipment of this product by applying through the form at
This offer is valid to anyone in receipt of this information.
Please note that Sony cannot answer or respond to any inquiries regarding the content of the source code.