Setting the zone 2 HDMI audio output of connected devices (Zone2 Audio Out)

You can set the zone 2 HDMI audio signal output for playback devices connected to the receiver via an HDMI connection.

  1. Select [Setup] - [HDMI Setup] from the home menu.
  2. Select [Zone2 Audio Out].
  3. Select the setting you want.
    • AMP:

      Recommended setting when a TV is connected directly to HDMI OUT B jack.
      Sound is output from the speakers connected to the receiver.
      Sound is not output from the TV speakers.

    • Zone2 TV + AMP:

      Recommended setting when a TV is connected directly to HDMI OUT B jack.
      Sound is output from the TV speakers and the speakers connected to the receiver.

    • Zone2 AMP:

      Recommended setting when another amplifier is connected to HDMI OUT B jack.
      Sound is output from the another receiver connected to HDMI OUT B jack.
      Sound is not output from ZONE 2 SPEAKER OUT terminals and ZONE 2 AUDIO OUT jacks.


  • You can only configure this setting only when [HDMI Out B Mode] is set to [Zone2].
  • When a video device (projector, etc.) is connected to the ZONE 2 HDMI OUT jack, sound may not be output from the receiver. In this case, set [Zone2 Audio Out] to [AMP].
  • When a TV which does not support audio content protection is connected to the HDMI OUT B jack, specific audio may not be output from the receiver. In this case, set [Zone2 Audio Out] to [AMP].
  • When [Zone2 Audio Out] is set to [Zone2 TV + AMP] or [AMP], audio signals will be downmixed. The following restrictions apply to downmixing.
    • Audio signals are not output to zone 2 when receiving a DSD signal.
    • If you change the sound field or speaker settings in the main zone while the input for zone 2 is set to SOURCE or the same input is selected in the main zone and zone 2, the sound may also be momentarily interrupted in zone 2.
    • The D.L.L. function does not work in the main zone.
    • The volume level of sound from ZONE 2 SPEAKER OUT terminals and HDMI OUT B jack may be different from sound that is not downmixed.
  • No sound will be output to zone 2 if you play a DTS-CD with different HDMI inputs selected in the main zone and zone 2.
  • You cannot remedy the time gap between video output on the TV connected to HDMI OUT B jack and audio output from the speaker connected to ZONE 2 SPEAKER OUT terminals using the A/V Sync function.