Switching the auto mode (Auto Mode)

This camera is equipped with the following two automatic shooting modes: [Intelligent Auto] and [Superior Auto]. You can switch the auto mode to shoot according to the subject and your preferences.

  1. Set the mode dial to .
  2. MENU(Camera Settings1) → [Auto Mode] → desired setting.

Menu item details

Intelligent Auto:
Allows you to shoot with automatic scene recognition.
Superior Auto:
Allows you to shoot with automatic scene recognition. This mode takes clear images of dark or backlit scenes.


  • In [Superior Auto] mode, the recording process takes longer, since the product creates a composite image. In this case, the shutter sound is heard multiple times, but only one image is recorded.
  • For [Intelligent Auto] and [Superior Auto] mode, most of the functions are set automatically, and you cannot adjust the settings on your own.