
The [Network] page has two tabs ([Ethernet] and [Ethernet 2]) for configuring network settings of the LAN 1 and LAN 2 connectors on the rear panel.


  • Basically, use the LAN 1 connector. The LAN 2 connector should not be used.
  • If the LAN 2 connector must be used, technical knowledge of the network settings of Vision Exchange and Windows OS is required.
    For details, consult the system administrator.

[Obtain an IP address automatically]

Select this if obtaining an IP address automatically (DHCP).

[Use the following IP address]

Select this if using a fixed IP address, and configure the following settings.

Enter settings for [IP Address], [Subnet mask], and [Default gateway], and select either [Obtain DNS server address automatically] or [Use the following DNS server address] for the DNS server.

If [Use the following DNS server address] is selected, enter a setting in [DNS server].

[Proxy Setting]

To use a proxy server, place a check mark in [Use a proxy server], and configure the following settings.

Enter proxy server information in [Address], [Exceptions], [User], and [Password]. Place a check mark in [Bypass proxy server for local address] as required.