Browse Screen

Tap to display the Browse screen.

This screen displays recorded clips and controls playback and file transfer.

Clips with a memo entered on the preview screen display a icon on the thumbnails.

Tap a clip to display the Preview screen to play the clip.

Select a clip and tap the (Upload) button to register the clip in the job list and upload it to the transfer destination specified in C3 Portal or a Network RX Station. If not logged in, uploading starts after you next log in.

Select a clip and tap the (Delete) button to delete the clip.

(Camera): Return to the camera screen.

(Grid) button: Displays clips in a grid.

(List) button: Displays clips in a list.

(Menu) button:

  • Sort by: Sort clips by the specified item.
  • Select all: Select all clips.
  • Deselect all: Deselect all selected clips.