Using metadata in post-production

With Flexible ISO, Cine EI, or Cine EI Quick, material is recorded with S-Log3, but by using a Sony viewer (Catalyst Browse*1 or Catalyst Prepare*1) or the Catalyst Prepare Plugin in post-production, you can reproduce the monitoring conditions at the time of shooting from metadata embedded in the video file (by applying an exposure index and LUT*2).

*1Supported as of version 2022.1

*2Only with [Embed LUT File] under [Log Shooting Setting] set to [On].

Applying the LUT that was used for monitoring during shooting to the movie

When you shoot movies with [Embed LUT File] under [Log Shooting Setting] set to [On], the LUT file (A) is embedded in the movie file as illustrated below. In addition, the LUT file (B) is also saved on the recording media as a separate file in the directory "M4ROOT/GENERAL/LUT."

When the post-production tool supports the Catalyst Prepare Plugin:
The LUT file (A) embedded in the movie file is automatically imported.
When the post-production tool does not support the Catalyst Prepare Plugin:
The LUT file (B) saved on the recording media can be imported manually.


  • When [Embed LUT File] is set to [Off], the LUT file is not embedded in the movie file and not saved on the recording media.