Live View Display Set.

still image

Sets whether or not to show images altered with effects of the exposure compensation, white balance, [Creative Look], etc. on the screen.

  1. MENU (Shooting) → [Shooting Display][Live View Display Set.] → desired setting item.

Menu item details

Live View Display:
Sets whether to reflect all the shooting settings on the monitor and display the Live View in conditions close to what your picture will look like once the settings are applied, or to display the Live View without reflecting the settings. ([Setting Effect ON] / [Setting Effect OFF])
If you select [Setting Effect OFF], you can easily check the composition even when shooting with the image composition on the Live View display.
Exposure Effect:
Sets whether or not to display the Live View with automatic correction by reflecting the exposure from the flash when [Live View Display] is set to [Setting Effect ON]. ([Exposure Set. & flash] / [Exposure Setting Only])
When using the flash for shooting a portrait, select [Exposure Setting Only] to manually set the exposure based on the ambient lighting.


  • When you use a third-party flash, such as a studio flash, Live View Display may be dark for some shutter speed settings. When [Live View Display] is set to [Setting Effect OFF], Live View Display will be displayed brightly, so that you can easily check the composition.
  • If you select [Setting Effect OFF], Live View is always displayed with the appropriate brightness even in [Manual Exposure] mode.
  • When [Setting Effect OFF] is selected, the (VIEW) icon is displayed on the Live View screen.


  • [Exposure Effect] is effective only when using a flash manufactured by Sony.
  • [Live View Display] cannot be set to [Setting Effect OFF] in the following shooting modes:
    • [Intelligent Auto]
    • [Scene Selection]
  • If you shoot movies in the still image shooting mode, the shooting settings will be reflected in Live View even when [Live View Display] is set to [Setting Effect OFF].
  • When [Live View Display] is set to [Setting Effect OFF], the brightness of the shot image will not be the same as that of the displayed Live View.