Included items

After opening the package, check that all of the items in the list are included. If any items are missing, contact your dealer.

Numbers in ( ) indicate the item amount.

Wireless Stereo Headset (1)

Hybrid silicone rubber earbud tips (SS/M/LL 2 each)

  • M-sized earbud tips come attached to the left and right headset units at the time of purchase.

    The size of the earbud tips can be determined based on the number of dotted lines inside the bottom of the earbud tips.

    SS size: 1 line

    M size: 3 lines

    LL size: 5 lines

Charging case (1)

Documents (1 set)


  • Earbud tips are consumables. If the earbud tips are damaged and need replacing, contact your nearest Sony dealer or purchase the EP-EX11 series*, sold separately.

*May not be supported in some countries and regions.