About software update

Whenever the latest software version is available online, the software of your speaker is updated as described below. No user operations are required to update the software.

Preparation for update

Software updates are available when the speaker is in the following states.

  • The speaker is connected to the Internet via a Wi-Fi network.

  • The speaker is connected to the AC outlet by the supplied AC adaptor and the remaining power of the built-in battery is 20% or more.

    • Update process 1: when the speaker is used with its power always turned on

      The speaker automatically updates the software during night time. However, to avoid an update failure caused by a traffic spike to the network server, each speaker has a different timing of searching for new updates.

    • Update process 2: when the speaker is not used with its power always turned on

      The speaker searches for new updates while its power is turned off and will automatically update the software if any is found.


  • Check the status indicators and the LINK indicator for the state of software update.