Listening to music

Use the Music app to listen to your favorite music.

Music player overview

Image showing where each function is located in the music player menu. Upper area from left to right, 1 to 4. Upper half of the screen, 5. Lower half of the screen, 6 to 10. Bottom area from right to left, 11 to 15.

  1. Minimize the full screen player
  2. Search all songs saved to your device
  3. View the play queue
  4. View more options
  5. Album art (if available)
  6. Add or remove a song as a favorite
  7. Elapsed time of current song
  8. Add a song to a playlist
  9. Progress indicator – drag or tap along the line to fast-forward or rewind
  10. Length of current song
  11. Repeat the current song or all songs in the play queue
  12. Tap to go to the next song, touch and hold to fast-forward the current song
  13. Play or pause a song
  14. Tap to go to the beginning of the current song, touch and hold to rewind the current song
  15. Shuffle songs in the play queue

Music home screen

Image showing where each function is located on the music home screen. Upper left, 1. Center area, 2 and 3. Lower right, 4. Bottom area, 5.

  1. Open the Music menu
  2. Scroll up or down to view content
  3. Tap to start playing a song in the play queue
  4. Play all songs in shuffle mode
  5. Go to the music player screen


  • You might not be able to play copyright-protected items.