Setting a second watch

Only 1 watch can be registered to a smartphone.
If you want to use another watch with the same smartphone, unregister the first watch using the “FES Closet” app before you register the second one.

  1. Tap (Settings) in the top right corner of the CLOSET screen.
  2. Tap [Watch Settings].

    Connect the watch to your smartphone following the instructions shown on the screen. For details on connecting, see “Connecting the watch to your smartphone.”

  3. Tap [Unregister Watch].
  4. Tap [Unregister] on the confirmation screen.

    The first watch is unregistered.

  5. Have the second watch on hand and tap [Watch Registration].

    Connect the watch to your smartphone following the instructions shown on the screen. For details on connecting, see “Connecting the watch to your smartphone.”

    The registration is complete when the WATCH SETTINGS screen is displayed.