USB Connection

Selects the appropriate USB connection method for each computer or USB device connected to this product.

Select MENU (Network) → [Ctrl w/ Smartphone][Ctrl w/ Smartphone][Off] beforehand.

  1. MENU(Setup) → [USB Connection] → desired setting.

Menu item details

Establishes a Mass Storage or MTP connection automatically, depending on the computer or other USB devices to be connected.
Mass Storage:
Establishes a Mass Storage connection between this product, a computer, and other USB devices.
Establishes an MTP connection between this product, a computer, and other USB devices.
PC Remote:
Uses “Imaging Edge” to control this product from the computer, including such functions as shooting and storing images on the computer.


  • It may take some time to make the connection between this product and a computer when [USB Connection] is set to [Auto].