Testing Operation

Check that the TX and RX devices registered in C3 Portal operate correctly.

  1. Connect a camcorder or wireless adapter to C3 Portal.


    • A Device license is required.
  2. Connect XDCAM pocket to C3 Portal.


    • A Device license is required.
  3. Check the streaming operation.
    Start streaming from a registered TX device to an RX device as the main output.
    • Check streaming video and audio output from RX SDI1&2 ports is normal.
    • Check streaming video and audio output from RX SDI3&4 ports is normal.

    Test viewpoint

    • Check streaming receiver connection uses TCP 443 port for outbound traffic.
    • Check streaming signal uses UDP ports registered in [External Port(+20)] for inbound traffic.
  4. Check multi point distribution operation.
    Start streaming from a registered TX device to RX SDI1&2 as the main output and streaming to SDI 3&4 as the sub output.
    • Check streaming video and audio output from RX SDI1&2 ports is normal.
    • Check streaming video and audio output from RX SDI3&4 ports is normal.

    Test viewpoint

    • Check RX to C3 Portal (MPD upstream) connection uses TCP 443 port for outbound traffic.


    • Sub output (MPD streaming) has a delay of approximately 30 seconds relative to the main output.
  5. Check intercom operation.
    Start intercom operation between the camcorder and streaming receiver.
    • Check intercom upstream and downstream audio are normal.

    Test viewpoint

    • Check audio interface driver was correctly installed on the streaming receiver.
    • Check intercom stream (RX to TX) uses TCP 11500 port for outbound traffic.


    • The intercom settings must be configured before checking the intercom. For details about configuring the intercom, see “Registering Transmitters (TX).”