Registering SRT Listeners

Register SRT listeners to act as a transfer source for streams and recorded video in C3 Portal.

  1. Select the [SRT Listener] page on the [Settings] screen.
  2. Click the (Add) button.
    A row is added to the bottom of the list.
  3. Configure the SRT listener information in the added row.
    For each item, enter text directly in the added row or select a value from a drop-down list.
    • [Name]: Enter a name used to identify the transmitter.
    • [Group]: Select a group.
    • [Protocol]: Displays the protocol to use. Cannot be modified.
    • [Type]: Displays the type of SRT listener. Cannot be modified.
    • [Region]: Select the region for use.
    • [Address]: Displays the URL for connecting to the SRT listener from an SRT stream transmit source device. Cannot be modified.
    • [Port]: Displays the port number. Cannot be modified.
    • [Passphrase]: Enter the passphrase, as required.
  4. Click the [Save] button.