Configuring an FTP Server

This topic describes how to configure settings for connections to an FTP server.

  1. Select the [FTP Server] page on the [Settings] screen.
  2. Click the (Add) button.
    A dialog appears.
  3. Enter a name for the FTP server and click the [Save] button.
  4. Select the added FTP server and configure the settings.


    • If [Upload directory] is specified, the specified folder is created in the root directory.
    • If a check mark is placed in [Use transmitter name], a folder with the TX device name is created in the folder specified in [Upload directory]. If [Upload directory] is blank, a folder with the TX device name is created in the root directory.
    • In [Number of Connections], specify the maximum number of connections for when transferring files from C3 Portal.
    • If using an FTP over TLS connection, press the [Browse] button in [CA Certificate (PEM)] and import a certificate provided by the server administrator.
  5. Click the (Add) button under the FTP settings to add a group that will use the configured FTP server.


    • Up to four FTP servers can be used per group.
  6. Click the [Save] button.