Configuring Creators’ App for enterprise

Configure the mobile app.

  1. Select the [Creators’ App for enterprise] page on the [Settings] screen.
  2. Set the behavior of the smartphone on which the mobile app is installed in [Auto erase].
    • When [ON] is selected, clips are automatically deleted from the smartphone after they are transferred to C3 Portal from the mobile app.
    • When [OFF] is selected, clips are not deleted from the smartphone after they are transferred to C3 Portal from the mobile app.
    • When [Creators’ App for enterprise] is selected, the behavior follows the mobile app settings.


    • After logging in to the mobile app, this setting is reflected on the smartphone.
  3. Click the [Save] button.

To manage smartphones

When a user with Camera Operator role logs in using the mobile app, information about the smartphone and the mobile app is automatically added to the list. The information cannot be added on C3 Portal.

To delete a smartphone from the list, place a check mark beside the smartphone to delete and click the (Delete) button.