Configuring Cloud Recording

This topic describes how to configure settings for recording a stream in the cloud.

  1. Select the [Cloud Recording] page on the [Settings] screen.
  2. Edit [Bin name].


    • Change the preconfigured setting, as required.
    • If you change the setting, the configured setting will be reflected for all cloud recordings.
  3. For the bin entered in [Bin name], specify the base path and sub path in [Upload path].


    • The following metadata can be selected in [Upload path].
      • [Transmitter Name]
      • [Upload Date]
      • [Story Title]
    • When cloud recording starts, a bin is created using the specified metadata.
    • The recommended setting is “Upload Date”/“Transmitter Name”.
  4. To start recording automatically when streaming starts, select [ON] in [Streaming with recording].
  5. When [OFF] is selected in [Streaming with recording], set the pre-roll time used at the start of recording in [Pre-roll (sec)].
  6. Set [Scanning method].
    • When [Follow source] is selected, recording follows the input signal.
    • When [Convert to progressive] is selected, recording is in progressive format, regardless of the input signal.


    • Converting to progressive format may affect image quality. When converting an interlaced stream to progressive format for recording, test and check the image quality before using it in actual production.
  7. Set [Start timecode].
    • When [Preset (00:00:00.00)] is selected, “00:00:00.00” is configured.
    • When [Original (timecode of streaming signal)] is selected, the timecode of the streaming signal is used.
  8. Click the [Save] button.