Shutter Type

still image

You can set whether to shoot with a mechanical shutter or an electronic shutter.

  1. MENU (Shooting) → [Shutter/Silent][Shutter Type] → desired setting.

Menu item details

Mechanical Shutter:
Shoot with the mechanical shutter only.
Electronic Shutter:
Shoot with the electronic shutter only.


  • In the following situations, set the [Shutter Type] to [Electronic Shutter].
    • When shooting with a high-speed shutter in a bright environment such as outside in bright sunlight, the beach, or snowy mountains.


  • In rare cases, the shutter sound may be produced when the power is turned off even if the [Shutter Type] is set to [Electronic Shutter]. However, this is not a malfunction.
  • Even if [Shutter Type] is set to [Electronic Shutter], you may hear shutter sounds when you register a face using [Face Memory].
  • [Shutter Type] cannot be selected when the shooting mode is a mode other than P/A/S/M.
  • When [Shutter Type] is set to [Electronic Shutter], the following functions are not available:
    • Flash shooting
    • Long Exposure NR
    • e-Front Curtain Shut.
    • BULB shooting