Sharing Assets

You can share assets in this service with external users. To share an asset, create a shared link used by external users to access the asset.


  • The Media Manager role is required to create shared links.
  1. In the tree panel, select a bin based on the project, title, date, or other criteria.
  2. Select an asset from the asset list.


    • You can create multiple shared links at the same time by selecting multiple assets that belong to the same group.
    • You cannot create multiple shared links at the same time for assets belonging to different groups.
  3. Click the (Share) button.
  4. In the displayed dialog, specify a shared link name, select an expiry interval and the file to share, and click the [Create] button.

    A shared link is created, and the URL and expiry date/time for the shared link are displayed.

To manage created shared links

Click [Shared link] to display the [Shared link] dialog. You can check previously generated shared links and copy the URL in the [Shared link] dialog.