Setting a KEY

A KEY is used when you want to manually show/hide a composited image against a video. You can configure a total of four images, one each for the [KEY 1] to [KEY 4] layers.

To set an image in a KEY, the image must be uploaded to this system using the [File Manager] screen beforehand.

Live Operation screen

  1. Select a thumbnail from one of [KEY 1] to [KEY 4] layers in the [Layer] pane.
    The [KEY] tab and its setup items are displayed in the Edit/Control pane.
  2. Select the image to be composited from the images uploaded to this system.

    If the layer selected in step 1 is displayed in the preview output, the image selected here is composited against the background video and is displayed in the [PVW] pane.


    • When [OFF] is selected, the image assignment is released. If the layer selected in step 1 is being displayed in the output video, it will be hidden.
    • A total of up to four KEY/PinP elements can be composited. Depending on the number of subscreens set on the [Effect] layer, the [KEY 1] to [KEY 4] layers will be displayed/hidden and the number of keys that can be composited will increase or decrease in the range 0 to 4. For example, when [PinP 2] is selected on the [Effect] layer, the [KEY 1] to [KEY 2] layers are displayed allowing two KEY images to be composited.
  3. Make adjustments to the KEY image as required.
    For details about adjustment, see “Adjusting Composited Content.”