Setting Side sense options

You can configure how Side sense behaves or customize the menu, etc.

For example, the following options are available for Side sense.

  • Whether to show the Side sense bar on one or both sides of your screen
  • The screen actions for gesture
  1. Find and tap [Settings] > [Operation & View] > [Side sense].
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions in the lower part of the screen to edit other Side sense options.


  • To assign a screen action, such as taking a screenshot, to a gesture, find and tap [Settings] > [Operation & View] > [Side sense] > [Gesture function assignments], select a gesture from among [Flick inward towards the screen], [Flick up], and [Flick down], and then select an option.
  • You can hide the Side sense bar by tapping the [Use Side sense bar] switch. Even when the Side sense bar is hidden, you can display the Dashboard by tapping (Dashboard icon) on the Home screen.