Connecting Using Bluetooth Pairing (Simple Connection) (PXW-Z200/HXR-NX800)

You can switch to Wi-Fi automatically and connect a mobile device with the camera automatically by pairing the camera and mobile device using Bluetooth pairing.

In this connection, the camera becomes a Wi-Fi access point.

Illustration showing the connection relationship when a camera and mobile device are connected via Bluetooth pairing.

(A) Camera configured as an access point

(B) Bluetooth pairing

(C) Wi-Fi connection

(D) Remote control

(E) Mobile device on which this app is installed

  1. : Press and hold the MENU (Menu) button to display the menu.
  2. : Set [Network] – [Network Setup] – [LAN Type Select] to [Off] or [Wireless LAN AP].
  3. : Configure the following settings if a user name and password have not been configured on the camera.
    1. Set the user name.
      [Network] – [Network Setup] – [Edit Authentication] – [User Name]
    2. Automatically generate a new password.
      [Network] – [Network Setup] – [Edit Authentication] – [Generate Password]


    • You can also configure a password manually using the following menu items.
      • [Network] – [Network Setup] – [Edit Authentication] – [Input Password]
    • The user name and password can be viewed as text and QR code.
      • [Network] – [Network Setup] – [Show Authentication]


    • Be careful not to let others see your QR code or password.
    • When the wireless security protocol for an access point is WPA3, the access point cannot be detected from PXW-Z200/HXR-NX800.
    • To detect the access point from PXW-Z200/HXR-NX800, change the security protocol of the access point to WPA2 or WPA2/WPA3.
  4. : Select [Network] – [Bluetooth] – [Setting] – [On].

    Bluetooth connections are enabled.

  5. : Select [Network] – [Bluetooth] – [Pairing] – [Execute].

    Bluetooth pairing is enabled.

  6. : Launch the app and tap (App menu) – [Connect].
  7. : Select [Bluetooth pairing (Wi-Fi)] on the connection screen.

  8. : Tap [Connect] for the camera to connect on the connection screen.

    For paired cameras, the [Monitoring] screen appears when connection is established.

    [Unpaired camera] is displayed for unpaired cameras. To pair an unpaired camera, proceed to the next step.

  9. : Tap [Pairing] for the camera to pair on the connection screen.

    A dialog appears on the camera screen prompting you to allow pairing.

  10. : Tap [OK] on the camera screen.

    Access point connections are enabled.


  • If an access point (tethering) is enabled on a mobile device, disable the setting.
  • Do not overlook any notifications. For example, if a “Pairing request” pop-up appears on the screen of an Android mobile device when you tap [OK] on the camera screen, the pop-up will disappear after a few seconds.

If you have trouble connecting

Refer to the Monitor & Control support page.
