Voice command/Natural speech on Personalized Radio service

A network connection is required for some of the voice commands/natural speech.


To Say Network connection
Check weather Start Weather -
Check weather -
Stop reading out weather information Stop Weather -
Check specific location’s weather by a place-name What is the weather like in San Francisco? Needed
Check specific location’s weather (your office) How is the weather near my office? Needed
Check weather on a specific day (tomorrow) What will the weather be like tomorrow? Needed
Check the chance of rain on a specific day (weekend) What is the chance of rain this weekend? Needed
Check the temperature on a specific day and time What is the temperature tomorrow night? Needed


To Say Network connection
Search restaurants nearby Start Restaurants -
Find restaurants -
Stop reading out restaurant information Stop Restaurants -
Check next restaurant information Next restaurant -
Check previous restaurant information Previous restaurant -


To Say Network connection
Check latest news Start News -
Check news -
Stop reading out news Stop News -
Check the next news Next news -
Check the previous news Previous news -
Check news specified by a category What’s the news on business? Needed
Check news specified by a category (entertainment) Anything new in entertainment news? Needed
Check the latest news on the specific news site What is the latest news on SFGate? Needed


To Say Network connection
Find out events happening nearby Start Events -
Check events -
Stop reading out events information Stop Events -
Check the next event information Next event -
Check the previous event information Previous event -
Find out events specified by day and time What local events are happening this Saturday? Needed
Find out events specified by a location Are there any local events in Oakland? Needed
Find out events specified by day, time, and location Are there any events in Berkeley this weekend? Needed


To Say Network connection
Check schedule Start Calendar -
Start schedule -
Check calendar -
Check schedule -
Stop reading out the schedule Stop Calendar -
Stop schedule -
Check the next schedule Next event -
Check the previous schedule Previous event -
Check the schedule on a specific day What’s on my schedule next Monday? Needed
Check the schedule on the weekend What is my schedule for this weekend? Needed
Check the schedule on a specific time Will I have any time tomorrow night? Needed


To Say Network connection
Check unread mails Start Mail -
Check mail -
Stop reading out the mail Stop Mail -
Check the next mail Next mail -
Check the previous mail Previous mail -

Social Feeds

To Say Network connection
Check social feeds Start Social Feeds -
Check social feeds -
Start Twitter -
Check Twitter -
Stop reading out social feeds Stop Social Feeds -
Stop Twitter -
Check the next social feed Next tweet -
Check the previous social feed Previous tweet -


To Say Network connection
Start Navigation to home Start Navigation to home -
Take me home -
Start Navigation to your destination Start Navigation -
Stop Navigation Stop Navigation -
Check the next instruction Check direction -
Change your destination while using Navigation Change destination Needed

Audio AR Games

To Say Network connection
Launch game Start <game name> Needed
Quit game Stop <game name> -


  • For <game name>, refer to the Audio AR Games segment of the “Future Lab Program N” app.

Activity Log

To Say Network connection
Start taking activity logs Start Activity Log -
Start Strava -
Start workout -
Stop taking activity logs Stop Activity Log -
Stop Strava -
Stop workout -
Pause taking activity logs Pause Activity Log -
Pause workout -
Resume taking activity logs Resume Activity Log -
Resume workout -
Check the activity logs Check activity status -
Activity status -


To Say Network connection
Check unread SMS messages Start SMS -
Check SMS -
Stop reading out the messages Stop SMS -
Check the next message Next message -
Check the previous message Previous message -