AF Trk for Spd Chng

still image

You can select the sensitivity of AF tracking relative to changes in the moving speed of the subject in the still image shooting mode.

  1. MENU (Focus) → [AF/MF][AF Trk for Spd Chng] → desired setting.

Menu item details

Select [Stable] if you want to keep stable focus on a motionless subject or a subject that moves at a nearly constant speed.
Select [Responsive] if you want to keep the focus on a subject whose moving speed changes significantly, such as one that suddenly starts or stops moving.
  • Normally, we recommend that you set it to [Standard]. If the autofocus is not stable with [Standard], try [Stable] or [Responsive].


  • If the autofocus is not stable when shooting in dark environments, setting [AF Trk for Spd Chng] to [Stable] will make it easier to focus on a stationary subject or a subject that moves at an almost constant speed.