List of default setting values (Setup)

The default setting values at the time of purchase are shown in the following table.

To reset settings to the default values

Select MENU (Setup) → [Reset/Save Settings][Setting Reset][Camera Settings Reset] or [Initialize][Enter].

Initialize: All the settings of the camera will be reset to the default values.

Camera Settings Reset: Items that can be reset are limited. See the following table.

(Setup) tab

MENU item Default setting value Resettable using [Camera Settings Reset]
Language Not available
Area/Date/Time Setting (Area Setting) Not available
Area/Date/Time Setting (Daylight Savings) Off Not available
Area/Date/Time Setting (Date/Time) Not available
Area/Date/Time Setting (Date Format) Not available
NTSC/PAL Selector Not available
Setting Reset Not available
Save/Load Settings Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. ( Front dial) Av/Tv (Av in M mode) Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. ( Rear Dial L) Av/Tv (Tv in M mode) Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. ( Rear Dial R) Exposure Comp. Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. (Control Wheel) Not set Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. (Custom Button 1) White Balance Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. (Custom Button 2) Touch Operation Select Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. (Center Button) Focus Standard Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. (Left Button) Drive Mode Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. (Right Button) ISO Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. (Down Button) Not set Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. (AF-ON Button) Tracking On + AF On Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. (MOVIE Button) Movie Shooting Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. (Focus Hold Button) Focus Hold Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. ( Front dial) Follow Custom () Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. ( Rear Dial L) Follow Custom () Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. ( Rear Dial R) Follow Custom () Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. (Control Wheel) Follow Custom () Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. (Custom Button 1) Follow Custom () Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. (Custom Button 2) Follow Custom () Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. (Center Button) Follow Custom () Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. (Left Button) Self-timer Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. (Right Button) Follow Custom () Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. (Down Button) Follow Custom () Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. (AF-ON Button) Follow Custom () Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. (MOVIE Button) Movie Shooting Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. (Focus Hold Button) Follow Custom () Not available
Custom Key Setting (Custom Button 1) Follow Custom (/) Not available
Custom Key Setting (Custom Button 2) Delete Not available
Custom Key Setting (MOVIE Button) Follow Custom (/) Not available
Custom Key Setting (Fn/Button) Send Not available
Fn Menu Settings Not available
Different Set for Still/Mv Not available
DISP (Screen Disp) Set Not available
REC w/ Shutter Off Not available
Zoom Ring Rotate Left(W)/Right(T) Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. Not available
Custom Key/Dial Set. Not available
My Dial Settings Not available
Av/Tv Rotate Normal Not available
Function Ring(Lens) Power Focus Not available
Dial / Wheel Lock Unlock Not available
Touch Operation On Not available
Touch Panel/Pad Touch Panel Only Not available
Touch Panel Settings ([Shooting Screen] under [Shooting Screen]) On Not available
Touch Panel Settings ([Footer Icon Touch] under [Shooting Screen]) On Not available
Touch Panel Settings ([Swipe Right] under [Shooting Screen]) Icon Display: L&R Not available
Touch Panel Settings ([Swipe Left] under [Shooting Screen]) Icon Display: L&R Not available
Touch Panel Settings ([Swipe Up] under [Shooting Screen]) Open the Fn Menu Not available
Touch Panel Settings ([Touch Func. in Shooting] under [Shooting Screen]) Touch Focus Not available
Touch Panel Settings ([Icon When Monitor Flipped] under [Shooting Screen]) Flip Not available
Touch Panel Settings (Playback Screen) On Not available
Touch Panel Settings (Menu Screen) On Not available
Touch Pad Settings (Operation in Vertical Orientation ) On Not available
Touch Pad Settings (Touch Position Mode) Absolute Position Not available
Touch Pad Settings (Operation Area) Right 1/2 Not available
Screen Reader (Screen Reader) Off Not available
Screen Reader (Speed) Standard Not available
Screen Reader (Volume) 7 Not available
Screen Reader ( Long Press to Switch) On Not available
Enlarge Screen (Enlarge Menu Scrn) Off Not available
Enlarge Screen (Magnification) Not available
Select Finder/Monitor Auto Not available
Monitor Brightness Manual Not available
Viewfinder Bright. Auto Not available
Finder Color Temp. ±0 Not available
Display Quality Standard Not available
Finder Frame Rate Standard Not available
Monitor Flip Direction Auto Not available
TC/UB Disp. Setting Counter Not available
Gamma Display Assist Off Not available
Gamma Disp. Assist Typ. Auto Not available
Display LUT On Not available
Remain Shoot Display Not Displayed Not available
Auto Review Off Not available
Shoot Mode Sel. Screen Display Not available
Auto Monitor OFF Does not turn OFF Not available
Power Save Start Time 1 Min Not available
Power Save by Monitor Both Linked Not available
Auto Power OFF Temp. Standard Not available
Volume Settings 7 Not available
4ch Audio Monitoring CH1/CH2 Not available
Audio Signal(Shooting) On Not available
Audio Signal(Start/End) Off Not available
USB Connection Mode Sel. When Connect Not available
USB LUN Setting Multi Not available
USB Power Supply On Not available
HDMI Resolution Auto Not available
HDMI Output Settings (Rec. Media dur HDMI Output) On Not available
HDMI Output Settings (Output Resolution) Auto Not available
HDMI Output Settings (4K Output Set.(HDMI Only)) 60p 10bit/50p 10bit Not available
HDMI Output Settings (RAW Output) Off Not available
HDMI Output Settings (RAW Output Setting) 60p/50p Not available
HDMI Output Settings (Time Code Output) Off Not available
HDMI Output Settings (REC Control) Off Not available
HDMI Output Settings (4ch Audio Output) CH1/CH2 Not available
HDMI Info. Display On Not available
CTRL FOR HDMI On Not available
Video Light Mode Power Link Not available
Anti-dust Function (Sensor Cleaning) Not available
Anti-dust Function (Shutter When Pwr OFF) Off Not available
Auto Pixel Mapping On Not available
Pixel Mapping Not available
Version Not available
Display Serial Number Not available
Privacy Notice Not available
Certification Logo Not available