
Sets matrix correction settings.

Item Sub-item setting Factory default Description
[User Matrix] [On] / [Off] [Off] Turns the user matrix correction function on/off.
[User Matrix Level] −99 to +99 ±0 Adjusts the color saturation of the entire image.
[User Matrix Phase] −99 to +99 ±0 Adjusts the color tone (phase) of the entire image.
[User Matrix R-G] −99 to +99 ±0 Sets a user-defined R-G user matrix.
[User Matrix R-B] −99 to +99 ±0 Sets a user-defined R-B user matrix.
[User Matrix G-R] −99 to +99 ±0 Sets a user-defined G-R user matrix.
[User Matrix G-B] −99 to +99 ±0 Sets a user-defined G-B user matrix.
[User Matrix B-R] −99 to +99 ±0 Sets a user-defined B-R user matrix.
[User Matrix B-G] −99 to +99 ±0 Sets a user-defined B-G user matrix.