[Brute Force Attack Protection]
Sets settings related to brute force attack prevention.
Item | Sub-item setting | Factory default | Description |
[Setting] | [On] / [Off] | [On] | Turns [Brute Force Attack Protection] on/off. |
[Count] | 3 to 100 | 8 | Sets the number of attempts that will be considered as an attack. Enabled when [Setting] is set to on. |
[Release Mode] | [Always] / [Timer] | [Timer] | Sets the release condition. Enabled when [Setting] is set to on. [Always]: Do not delete from attacker list. [Timer]: Delete from attacker list after the release time set using [Release Time] has elapsed. |
[Release Time] | 30 to 86400 s | 60 | Sets the release time. Enabled when [Setting] is set to on. When [Release Mode] is set to [Timer], entries are deleted from the attacker list after the release time has elapsed. |
When an attacker is detected, the attacker list information is displayed.