
Sets electronic shutter operation.

Used for shooting fast-moving subjects clearly.

Item Sub-item setting Factory default Description
[Mode] [Speed] / [Angle] [Speed] Selects the mode for setting the shutter speed in seconds (Speed) or as a shutter angle (Angle).
[Shutter Speed On/Off] [On] / [Off] [Off] Sets whether the exposure time when Speed mode is selected follows the [Shutter Speed] value or is set for full exposure.
[Shutter Speed] 64F to 1/8000
The available settings vary depending on the system frequency of the selected recording format.
119.88: 1/120 / 1/125 / 1/250 / 1/500 / 1/1000 / 1/2000 / 1/4000 / 1/8000
100: 1/100 / 1/120 / 1/125 / 1/250 / 1/500 / 1/1000 / 1/2000 / 1/4000 / 1/8000
: 64F / 32F / 16F / 8F / 7F / 6F / 5F / 4F / 3F / 2F / 1/60 / 1/100 / 1/120 / 1/125 / 1/250 / 1/500 / 1/1000 / 1/2000 / 1/4000 / 1/8000
50:64F / 32F / 16F / 8F / 7F / 6F / 5F / 4F / 3F / 2F / 1/50 / 1/60 / 1/100 / 1/120 / 1/125 / 1/250 / 1/500 / 1/1000 / 1/2000 / 1/4000 / 1/8000
29.97: 64F / 32F / 16F / 8F / 7F / 6F / 5F / 4F / 3F / 2F / 1/30 / 1/40 / 1/50 / 1/60 / 1/100 / 1/120 / 1/125 / 1/250 / 1/500 / 1/1000 / 1/2000 / 1/4000 / 1/8000
25: 64F / 32F / 16F / 8F / 7F / 6F / 5F / 4F / 3F / 2F / 1/25 / 1/33 / 1/50 / 1/60 / 1/100 / 1/120 / 1/125 / 1/250 / 1/500 / 1/1000 / 1/2000 / 1/4000 / 1/8000
23.98: 64F / 32F / 16F / 8F / 7F / 6F / 5F / 4F / 3F / 2F / 1/24 / 1/32 / 1/48 / 1/50 / 1/60 / 1/96 / 1/100 / 1/120 / 1/125 / 1/250 / 1/500 / 1/1000 / 1/2000 / 1/4000 / 1/8000
119.88: 1/120
100: 1/100
59.94: 1/60
50: 1/50
29.97: 1/30
25: 1/25
23.98: 1/24
Sets the shutter speed when Speed mode is selected.
[Shutter Angle] 64F / 32F / 16F / 8F / 7F / 6F / 5F / 4F / 3F / 2F / 360.0° / 300.0° / 270.0° / 240.0° / 216.0° / 210.0° / 180.0° / 172.8° / 150.0° / 144.0° / 120.0° / 90.0° / 86.4° / 72.0° / 45.0° / 30.0° / 22.5° / 11.25° / 5.6° 180.0° Sets the shutter angle when [Angle] mode is selected.
[ECS On/Off] [On] / [Off] [Off] Turns [ECS] mode on/off.
[ECS Frequency] 23.99 to 8000
The available settings vary depending on the system frequency of the selected recording format.
119.88: 120.0
100.0: 100
59.94: 60.00
50: 50.00
29.97: 30.00
23.98: 23.99
25: 25.02
Sets the ECS frequency when Mode is set to ECS.