
Sets knee correction settings.

Item Sub-item setting Factory default Description
Setting When Target Display is set to SDR(BT.709): On / Off / ---
When Target Display is set to HDR(HLG): On / Off / ---
When Target Display is set to SDR(BT.709): Off
When Target Display is set to HDR(HLG): Off
Turns the knee correction function on/off.


  • Enabled only when [Base Look] > [Select] is set to [Standard], [ITU709], [709tone], [HLG Live], or [HLG Natural].
Auto Knee When Target Display is set to SDR(BT.709): On / Off / ---
When Target Display is set to HDR(HLG): On / Off / ---
When Target Display is set to SDR(BT.709): On
When Target Display is set to HDR(HLG): Off
Turns the auto knee function on/off.


  • Enabled only when [Base Look] > [Select] is set to [Standard], [ITU709], or [709tone].
Point 75% to 109% 90% Sets the knee point.
Slope −99 to +99 ±0 Sets the knee slope.