Zebra Display

still image, movie, slow&quick motion

Sets a zebra pattern, which appears over part of an image if the brightness level of that part meets the IRE level that you have set. Use this zebra pattern as a guide to adjust the brightness.

  1. MENU (Exposure/Color) → [Zebra Display] → Select a menu item and set the desired parameter.

Menu item details

Zebra Display:
Sets whether to display the zebra pattern. ([Off] / [On])
Zebra Level:
Adjusts the brightness level of the zebra pattern. ([70] / [75] / [80] / [85] / [90]/ [95] / [100] / [100+])


  • You can register values to check the correct exposure or overexposure as well as the brightness level for [Zebra Level]. The settings for correct exposure confirmation and overexposure confirmation are registered to [Custom 1] and [Custom 2] respectively in the default settings.
  • To check the correct exposure, set a standard value and the range for the brightness level. The zebra pattern will appear on areas that fall within the range you set.
  • To check the overexposure, set a minimum value for the brightness level. The zebra pattern will appear over areas with a brightness level equal to or higher than the value you set.


  • The zebra pattern is not displayed on devices connected via HDMI.