Viewing Analysis Results

View the analysis results for the data of the ID7000 Spectral Cell Analyzer on the [View] tab.


  • You can only view analysis results on the [View] tab. To further analyze data, you need to switch to the [Analysis] tab. For the operating procedure, see “Opening the [Analysis] Tab.”

To display data for analysis

Search for the target data in the [Experiment Explorer] pane on the left side of the [View] tab, then select the well you want to analyze.

Main functions of the [View] tab

  1. [Experiment Explorer] pane

    Selects data to analyze. You can also search experiments by date and keyword.

  2. Plots

    Displays the data of analysis results.

    A plot that lists the spectra of each laser is called a “ribbon plot.”

  3. Statistics table

    Displays statistics calculated automatically from acquired data.

  4. Gates

    Configures settings to group events with common characteristics, isolating them from all other events.

  5. [Experiment] panel

    Displays the structure of the experiment.

  6. [Plate] panel

    Displays a list of wells. You can switch the display to list view or map view.

    The icon of a well/tube varies depending on the worksheet mode.

    : [Shared] mode

    : [Individual] mode