Statistics Table

The following menu commands are displayed when right-clicking the statistics table on the worksheet.

Statistics table frame

[Hide Table]

Hides the statistics table. To redisplay the statistics table, right-click blank space on the worksheet and select [Show Table] from the context menu.

[Open Gate Manager]

Displays the [Gate Manager] dialog. This function is the same as [Gate Manager] on the [Worksheet Tools] tab of the ribbon. See “[Gate Manager] Dialog”.

[Open Statistics Editor]

Displays the [Statistics Editor] dialog. This function is the same as [Edit] on the [Worksheet Tools] tab of the ribbon. See “[Statistics Editor] Dialog”.

[Export Statistics]

Exports the contents of the statistics table as a file in CSV format. This function is the same as [Export Statistics] on the [Worksheet Tools] tab of the ribbon.

Statistics table cells

[Create a Plot]

Creates a new plot for the selected gate.

[Assign Gate]

Assigns the selected gate as the following gate types.

  • Positive Gate
  • Negative Gate
  • Universal Negative Gate

[Auto Adjustment (Biexponential)]

Automatically adjusts the scale of the X axis and Y axis for the selected plot. This function is the same as [Auto Adjustment (XY)] on the [Plot Tools] tab of the ribbon.


Copies and pastes the selected gate to duplicate a gate.


Cuts and pastes the selected gate to move it.


Removes the selected gate or statistic (multiple selection supported).

[Export Statistics]

Exports the contents of the statistics table as a file in CSV format. This function is the same as [Export Statistics] on the [Worksheet Tools] tab of the ribbon.

[Open Gate Manager]

Displays the [Gate Manager] dialog. This function is the same as [Gate Manager] on the [Worksheet Tools] tab of the ribbon. See “[Gate Manager] Dialog”.

[Open Statistics Editor]

Displays the [Statistics Editor] dialog. This function is the same as [Edit] on the [Worksheet Tools] tab of the ribbon. See “[Statistics Editor] Dialog”.


Displays the [BL-FlowSOM] dialog. This function is the same as [BL-FlowSOM] on the [Gate Tools] tab of the ribbon. See “[BL-FlowSOM] Dialog”.

[Dimensionality Reduction]

Selects the following dimensionality reduction methods.

  • [UMAP]: Displays the [UMAP] dialog. This function is the same as [UMAP] on the [Gate Tools] tab of the ribbon. See “[UMAP] Dialog”.
  • [FIt-SNE]: Displays the [FIt-SNE] dialog. This function is the same as [FIt-SNE] on the [Gate Tools] tab of the ribbon. See “[FIt-SNE] Dialog”.


Displays the properties for the selected statistics table.